Random Stuffs...
It’s been a long week, although the irony is that with Xmas falling on Monday, hence the public holiday, the work week is supposedly shorten. However for many people, 27th Dec was a day to remember when the virtual world was taken to a halt.
With the damaged cables beneath the seas off Taiwan, internet access has either been almost zilch or uber slow…
This made me feel terrible at work…I couldn’t msn nor skype…I felt even more alone in the office.
I couldn’t take it anymore and decided to work from home on Thursday…least I felt better. I come into office and hardly spoke more that 3 sentences to anyone everyday. It was only like…. “Morning!” and probably a smile…that was pretty much it. Can u freaking imagine that? I’m not a talkative person but I’m not that quiet either. For the entire day…I can only speak so much to someone…I personally think it’s sad.
I’m really adjusting hard at this new work place. The people here aren’t all bad but they’re just probably very used to the “silent” culture here. I don’t know how long exactly I can last here honestly.
Otherwise, I would like to formally request permission to work from home after my confirmation.
I didn’t have mood for xmas nor for the new year this time round…somehow I haven’t been in my best moods these day, perhaps I’ve been thinking too much into this job. Too many question marks and how it is totally different from what I had expected….
Oh well…I’m trying not to think too much, otherwise I’ll never enjoy my long weekend.
Taz everyone…have a good long weekend and Happy New Year…May 2007 be a better year for everyone!!!
Felt like an ass today.
Was trying to print my IC and my payslip today...
But the stupid printer wouldn't print...I thought there was something wrong and gave up after 2 attempts!
Then I realised...they have swapped the blardey physical printer and its location without notifying!!!!
What the hell is wrong with this company when it comes to proper communication?
I have no idea how many people saw my personal details and payslip even though the kind secretary kept it for me...I feel like an arse!Even she now knows how much I'm paid..
Did I mention I feel like an arse?Yes...I seriously do.
Boxing Day
Belated Merry Xmas peepz...
Xmas just whisked past so quickly without me realising it..
How everyone had a good Xmas!
Side note: Rainy day and long weekend did not do well for me this morn...had the urge to MIA. Well...I didn't...Office is so empty today...
I wanna go home.....*sobz*
Sunshine and Blue Sky
The sun is finally out today….
Sounds of bird chirping…
Tho I do like rain…heavy downpour for 3 days in the row ain’t something one would look forward to…
Hooray for the sun!
ps:I do hope the sun stays…weather report says rain is due to continue at least until friday at least…I hope they are wrong.
The word elitism hardly rings a bell to me….
There’s been many blogs going around about the Elites in Singapore…
Seriously…why do the elites get so much limelight in Singapore? I just don’t get it!
Is it cos they are smart? Hardworking? Rich? Or simply too opinionative?
You see…I think I’ve grown up pretty simple. I’ve gone to neighbourhood schools, had the opportunity to study abroad and now, working in a one of the big five consulting firms. Does that make me an elite?
If I earn more compared to my peers, does that make me elite too?
How does one decide which caliber do u belong to? Who determines this? And why?
Maybe I’m wrong, but sometimes the society we grow up from makes a difference.
People of my batch will remember this….
At the tender age of 9, we had to go through a series of Gifted Programmes- this was introduced to bring out the “gifted” kids and to groom them to be elites.
Then there’s another Streaming done at age of 10-this is again to “re-arrange” the kids into different batch- EM1,EM2 and EM3. They claim this will help teachers groom the talented and better focus on the
stupid less talented kids.
And even when it comes to the PSLE, there’s still all the aftermath scrabble of parents trying to get their kids in the “elite” schools. From all kinds of
briberies voluntary donations to volunteering work in schools, parents try so hard just so their kids can have a better future.
And then there’s the JCs and Polytechnics path to determine if a diploma is elite enough. Within these selections, there’s also a classification of the elite choices.
Even then at Univerisities, people who can study medicine or law are usually termed as the elites….
But is all these realistic? If u study in the best schools, have the best results and get the most expensive scholarship, you are automatically elite?
IMHO, society plays a huge part. Society emphasize too much on papers, on grades and elitism. The stereotype mark is too clearly affirmed that if u can’t do well in school, you can’t do anything else…
Why do some companies employ people with only first class honours? Why do companies pay two times the price for a fresh graduate with no working experience but with a A* certificate? Why do society judge people by their certifications?
Elitism doesn’t mean u will always succeed in life. I don’t know about others but I feel in that in Singapore, being top in schools does not necessarily mean u get to face all the aftermath of the real world when u get into the working world.
Well I must agree if your studies are fantastic in Singapore, people will automatically brand u as the cream of the crop. Companies offer these people the best jobs, best pay, hoping they will help excel again and help contribute to the organization. Of course, there are people who are really capable who could make a difference, but there are always the black sheeps….
In the real world, book smart doesn’t get u anywhere, it’s also about working smart and knowing the ways to manage the people around you.
With my 1st 1 and a half jobs(they were more like casual jobs), my bosses were horrible. One was so claim to be an entrepreneur, but he was a “heartless” man. He was unfeeling towards his staffs, stingy and totally un-gentleman. The second one, to my knowledge, came from elite school background, went to the best university etc, but similar to my first boss, he couldn’t manage his staff, too emotional and talks faster than his brain can think. He could literally make something dead look so alive vice versa, but his words can pierce hard into u as well.
I’ve studied in neighbourhood all my life. I did very well for my ‘O’ levels, but when I went into JC, my results flopped. With the thanks of my parents, I had the opportunity to further my studies overseas and start anew. I studied very hard in Aussie and even went to obtain my Honours degree, I didn’t want to disappoint my parents nor myself again. Even then I had to choose a less expensive Uni, but you know what, I still got myself an executive job with my own perseverance and today, I am proud that I made it to one of the big five consulting firms. These are all my own achievements, there were no scholarships, no bribery and no “elite” schools to help me with my career path. It was all just me. There’s really no need to go around bragging about your own elitism, there’s nothing to be snobbish about. Should u put your heart and mind to everything that you do, I think anyone can be elite too!
Someone made my day today.
You know who u are…thanks gal!*mucks*
Thanks for the wonderful flowers…
They really did brighten my day and definitely my week too!
Thanks again for reminding me that I’m not alone…=)

You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Too Much Affection
It has always been interesting taking the trains in Singapore.
This is one place where you can really find the a happy family of “ugly” Singaporeans like the everyday bochup auntie, the kiasu parents with their kids and my all time “favourites”..the “pole dancers”! But today, I have found some new species, the “I’m so American” teenagers….
Perhaps there’s been a culture shift somewhere. With more foreign televisions shows/movies influences and the vast amount of information on the internet, I must admit that there’s been a huge difference between the youngsters these days compared to my time. I guess that’s probably what we term as generation gap? (Gosh, I make myself sound so terribly old…eeks!)
Anyway I must agree that to some extend, influences from other countries or other cultures can be good. I always believe that there’s many to learn from one another ir-regardless of race or your religion.
But one should adhere to good values to adopt instead of all?
When I was on the train yesterday back home, a really young “couple” board the train at cityhall I think. When I say young, I really mean young. They seem to be like secondary school kids to me!
Anyway they were all lovey dovey, totally oblivious to their surroundings. The train was crowded and I was standing by the pole. The train was the new train that had extended poles. The couple was standing behind next to me and they were fidgeting while trying to hug one another, touching and fondling one another. And everything they did this, they hit me! Either my arms or my back or my shoulder!
This is outrageous in my opinion!!! Call me conservative or whatever but I think they barely understand the word “LOVE” and yet they are behaving so intimately in public? I scorn to think what they will do in private. The guy was hugging the girl, putting his face to her neck and kissing her etc etc…I was really speechless and I could see frowning faces all around. But like all Singaporeans, I’m ashamed to say I kept quiet. First I was having my back to them, only catching their reflections through the glass and secondly, who am I to say anything? Perhaps I don’t understand LOVE myself…
These are days when I understand why teenage abortion rates are getting higher. These kids have no idea what they are getting into…..