K for Komplexity...

Monday, February 27, 2006

Wet Blanket

Don't u feel terribly discouraged when u have business ideas hoping to create a niche for yourself and your parents comes into the pictures throwing all sorts of...
"You have money ornot"
"U need huge capital to do this full time w/o working u know..."

Blar blar blar...the rest was eventually just noise to me.

Why is it so difficult for them to be optimistic for me and for once encourage me for willing to take some risks and make a difference in life.

Honestly....I don't want to just hold a 9 to 5 job all my life knowing that I've missed so many different things in life that I could have undertaken.

Sigh...r Singaporean parents sooooo typical?

Reminds me of the Jack Neo show "I Not Stupid Too"

People in Singapore just find it so hard to compliment nowadays. It's always abt complaints and de-satisfactions.

When will we ever self reflect and see the things we do to others to deserve those treatments?

I always believe that....What goes around comes around eventually.....

Be mean to others and expect the same treatment!(Vice-versa)

So take your stand today!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Been so totally out of the world lately....
Such a big "scandal" happened in the blogosphere yet I was totally unaware...

Tsk tsk...

Can someone care to update me from time to time?

This project is really killing me!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006


It's been a totally roller coaster week for me the entire week...including Valentine's, which was kinda sad but I guessed I accepted it anyway. The thing with being all grown up, earning your own money and trying to find a niche in today's society sometimes has its bad side.....

It simply means you don't get to celebrate Youth Day anymore, (thus one less holiday)and defninately no more school holidays.

Things that sucked more....u kinda lose that social life of yours...

U seldom get to celebrate your birthday nor any other fun occassions. Nowadays, u would rather spend any public holiday u haf to either sleep in or juz stay home. It sucks!

My project in TUAS has officially started. I'm really not looking forward to this project at all....The place reeked of some weird industrial waste and the place is sooooo ulu u can hardly hail a cab...Sigh...I'm going to be there till July...sigh!

This project is stressing me out for the past week, simply because someone simply decides that its time "I learn things the hard way".

I'm still mystified by this comment. I mean, seriously, do all human beings need to learn things the hard way in order to achieve something in life? How do u define hard then? Staying late in office? Walking your boss's dog? Or sleeping with your boss?

Seriously.....I beg to differ. As long as you know how to manage your time, resources and your personal efficiency, you don't have to do any of the above just to get somewhere...Experiences do count, but who ever said they had to be hard?

Personally, I thought its just a biased statement....

But then again, nobody ever said u should listen to me anyways....

I'm so blardy tired, been working more than 10 hours for the past week, tired as hell and still have to work weekends!

Someone kill me...I need to sleep now...


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

Been too busy to post much these days....

Just wanna wish everyone who reads my blog a really special Valentine's Day.

Today should not be celebrated between lovers but with friends as well.

Today is the day of love...any kind of love....=)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!


Monday, February 06, 2006

Deep Shite!

I am officially in deep shit!

I fwd my franchise application form to my boss thinking it is my appraisal form!!!!!!!!!

The franchise application form is intended for Plan B in Aussie.

I think I’m a goner. No wonder she did not send me to the SAP A1 seminar….

God help me!!! Why am I so blur???

Now….Can someone kill me for my stupidity now pls!

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Life is always about choices isn’t it?
The choices that we choose in our lives would determine the paths we take our entire life.
When we’re born, our parents had to choose our name between
This choice would ultimately see us through our entire livelihood, well, unless we change it of course.
And then there’s decisions to decide which nursery to go, which kindergarten has the best certified teachers, or which ‘ming xiao' (reads reputable school in Chinese)I should be sent to. So, it’s always about choices….

Even as you’ve grown, you had to choose between leaving everyone here to further your studies overseas in hope for a better view of the world, or stay put to be close to your loved ones but undergo the same democratic education all your life. Even in uni, the decisions have to be made on what courses to take, which modules to pick from and what extra curriculum activities to embark on. These are all choices.

Now that u’ve graduated, time to step into adult life for good, u realize that, u’ll need to decide again which job offer is better. Do u go for better pay? Or better career advancement?

Ah…and in between that all, u’ve also have to decide what are the kind of frens u like to hang out with and of course not forgetting what kind of gfs or bfs u’ll potentially fancy for a lifelong partner eventually.

So say u r working, have a stable bf/gf. U’ll have to decide whether he/she is the one to settle down with, to get married now or later or even never. When it’s time to save up, when it’s time to buy a house etc etc…………………………….

So u see, choices are never-ending in life. I should know, because I’m now at a stage where I have to decide on my next path to embark on……

Life is about choices all the time…..

A colleague of mine were just talking today about making decisions. She’s preparing her wedding now. She’s been legally married for the past year or so already, but it seems that procrastination got her to delay her actual wedding ceremony till perhaps late this year…

She advised that we should plan ahead. In fact, she told me that between she and her hubby, she was always the one taking initiative, the start of the relationship as well as their marriage. It’s kinda cute isn’t it? I don’t think I’m that “brave” really…haha

I remembered how when I was in secondary schools, me and my bunch of silly gers would always hope and dream of the day where we are grown ups, working and all independent. And definitely not forgetting having a really caring, handsome, young and successful boyfriend by your side to protect u from everything! And so with everything so beautifully painted, we would hope to get married at the age of 25, have 2 kids(1 boy and 1 girl) by 30 and live happily ever after…..

It sounded like a great plan then, but as I age towards 25….*gasped* I’m turning 25 this year!!!!! But I wonder how many of us has reached our beautifully drawn ‘picture’. So, we’re grown up, working, independent…hmm…I’m still living with my parents, so maybe cross that out. Ah…caring, handsome, young and successful boyfriend….heh heh…think I will leave that to ur discretion. So I’m left with the “get married at 25 and have2 kids(1 boy and 1 girl) by 30 and live happily ever after…..” part that is currently….I’d say under construction? Haha…..

I’m still deliberating at this point as to what choice to take to go to the next phase of my life….I should get back to work just in case I lose the second part of my “picture” yar?Heehee….

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Short Take

I’m back to work after a long…unexpected break…
It was quite fortunate that this time round I recovered really well.
Thankfully there are not visible scars on my mouth nor on my face.
I still have my cuts n bruises, but I think they should recover with time.

My cny was really mono this year. Not sure why but I didn’t feel really excited nor happy abt the whole Chinese new year thing. It’s like I somehow lost it….Perhaps it’s due to my fall and my ugly tooth that I don’t feel like the festive mood at all.

I couldn’t eat much this Chinese new year, so I didn’t exactly get to enjoy the new year food. Even when I went visiting I was constantly reminded of my traumatized fall. Everyone had to rub it in, trying to speculate how I fell. Was it because I was listening to mp3 too loud? On the phone ? Or that I was on a diet, thus no energy, thus my fall.

Sheesh…don’t anyone have some compassion or empathy on my fall? Felt really bad lor…Din enjoy myself at all this cny…well..only when I joined my friends for visiting did I forget about my ordeal for the time being….

Sigh…I hope this doggy year can be a better year for me, but the readings for the year doesn’t seem good because my health seems to be downhill this year so I have to be extra careful.

Sigh…when can my luck ever improve???Sobzz…..