This is my last week here.I will be leaving behind a lot of memories and some friendships, together with all my rants about working here. Things were very different when I first joined this place. It’s sad to see it in this state now. But hey, I tried my best to make things work, but I guess when opportunity comes knocking, I had to prioritize my own future.
This week has been a tad more relaxing for me. It’s been so long since…colleagues are all “dating” me for farewell lunch/dinner etc…I’m so getting fat after this week. I’m so going to be a vegetarian after this week.
Tonight is my official farewell dinner by the company. It’s an international buffet at some hotel, I’m going to be stuffed again!
I will soon be embarking on a new journey….it’s almost like my first day of school all over again. Getting to know new colleagues, trying to find a new click to belong to for lunch and hopefully the company culture will be much better!
It can be tiring thou, getting to know new people and letting others know me. I guess ultimately it’s really about leaving my comfort zone huh?
I still remember my first day work here. It was so overwhelming! I was the only female in the team cos my prev mentor was away on her US trip. So there it was, a table full of guys at lunch. And you know guys normally eat really fast..they would sit and wait for me. It was so awkward then! I felt terrible my first week here….but somehow I made it through month after month…and with a twinkling of an’s almost 2 years. And I’ve created such a bond with some people here, it’s hard leaving some of the peepz. We’re more like long lost friends than colleagues…
But well, we have promised to keep in touch and gather once in awhile for some good old yakking sessions together!
Well, I’m going to freshen up myself and prepare for the new job! *beams* I hope I can get a similar click at my new workplace! =D
1 comment(s):
All the best for your new job! ;)
Anonymous_X, at
2:10 PM
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