Taken for Granted
Taken for granted is never a good feeling.Everywhere I’m taken for granted.
I just don’t get it. Whether it is at home, in the office or by OML, I’m always taken for granted.
I know that it’s human nature to take certain things or certain people for granted, but when is it considered too much?
At home, my parents never fail to take me for granted, even my brother. I know I take my parents for granted too, but I always try and make an effort to make a difference.
My brother has a bad habit. He will always pee and stain the toilet seat and toilet bowl. But yet he doesn’t bother to clean it up, this will in turn stink up the entire toilet. And since my room is the closest to the toilet, my room will always be filled with the pungent ammonia smell….
I probably will never understand but why is it so difficult to just aim properly? Even if he did not do it deliberately, why can’t he make an effort to clean it up? I think he takes for granted that someone will do it for him…even with constant reminders, he still does it. Don’t get me wrong…I still love my dear brother but there are times when I really find it irritating that he’s so inconsiderate!
I was just telling my mum this morning and she rebukes me about having to clean up my mess too! Sometimes I’m really upset when she tells me things like that, because when did I ever had her to clean up such mess? I’m quite a clean freak and I’m always considerate to others when it comes to personal hygiene like this….And even if she complains about something, I will always make an effort. I will always try to help her with chores and stuffs, I know being a housewife and all can be quite demanding sometimes. Having to wash, clean, cook and stuffs, but I do try to help sometimes. I mean we all have our roles to play in a family, but all I’m expecting is for my brother to understand what is showing consideration to others. Is that wrong? Does that make me a bad sister? And she has to tell me this kind of things? She’s obviously condoning what he is doing right? I know my mum dotes on my brother more. She pampers him so much, doing everything for him. Anything that I do probably can’t compare to him in any way. She even suggested I help him “clean” up his mess, saying that we’re all family and we should help him out. I wonder when he goes into NS, is family going to be around and clear his mess? If he goes abroad for studies, is family going to be there for him too? And when he gets his own family…is he going to rely solely on his wife?
I’m just angry that my mum gives me such a response instead of educating my brother to be more responsible and be considerate to others. He’s not the only person using the toilet and his room ain’t the one closest to the toilet. Must we always condone his actions and spoil him to such extent? He’s never ever going to learn this way….I really give up!
If my mum wants to take me for granted…so be it…I will not be guilty the next time about taking her for granted…
If I can make a wish this birthday….I would wish that I won’t be taken for granted, ever ever!
2 comment(s):
Happy belated birthday! So we are under the same star sign!
Take comfort that at least you have a new job, a new opportunity. This is a good enough birthday gift!
Don't worry about people taking you for granted. People always take others for granted, ourselves included. Just do whatever you think is right.
Don't let your mum or brother's actions get to you. Mothers will always side younger brothers over elder sisters. This is a very Chinese mentality. As long as you do the right thing and your conscience is clear, that's all that matters.
Anonymous, at
10:46 AM
Thanks J...=)
We're under the same star sign too?cool..hee...
hope u have a gd bdae too!=)
KaiRiNu, at
10:54 AM
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