Feeling absolutely shattered right now.I had an phone interview today after work.....How did it go? Absolutely disastrous!
Here's the story...
It was a technical interview scheduled to be around lunch time. However, the call did not arrive and was rescheduled to be around six instead.
So the call came 10 minutes after 6. I suppose it was the technical manager. He sounded really professional, too professional for my liking really.
Anyway he threw a few questions at me regarding my work. Eg, what I do exactly, what was the experience like as well as a few technical questions. I don't know if its me, but I thought the questions he asked were rather specific, too specific in fact. It's as if I'm being put through an exam that I was never prepared for.
You see, my industry is one where knowledge is so vast that there's no one person who could know it all even after 10 years of experience in it. So here is this technical guy trying to be all critical about my knowledge, when I only had 1 and a half years of experience.
There’s a difference between knowing what to do and memorizing what you do. I’m the kind who knows what to do but don’t remember how to get there. You see I’m a very visual person. I remember what I see…maybe even to the extend of having photographic memory sometimes. So if I see something and registers it into my head, there’s 99% that I’m right, but if I don’t…then there’s just no way you can get anything out of me.
So that’s what happened today, the things he asked were so specifc and so drilled down that I couldn’t understand what was he trying to get out of me? I guess I flustered when I realized I wasn’t really “performing”. It got me real bad when he tried to add in some finance terms. I was totally lost cos I never quite understand finance terms in general. I guess that was it for him, he started going into how being a consultant u need to know this, u need to know that blar blar…so that u can cope with customers queries. I was totally switched off by then, because all I could think of was…”When will this interview ever end?”
That was it really. My ego was bruised. I felt he was being rather harsh to me for a noob. But then again, this is how I feel…he probably thought otherwise…
The funny thing about this whole experience, I didn’t even apply for this job. And what do I get? Crushed pride and zilch morale! How fair is life?
5 comment(s):
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Anonymous_X, at
8:44 AM
I guess the technical manager was trying to convey the importance of willingness to learn. Okay, perhaps he did it poorly if his message didn't come across. Have a better day today.
Anonymous_X, at
8:45 AM
I doubt so...his tone of voice was really not those of a mentor towards a junior..he was more like chiding me for not knowing this and that. not taking into consideration he doesn't even noe me so how can he judge me like tat?anyway..not feeling any beta..down wif the flu bug!*sobz*
KaiRiNu, at
9:44 AM
*pat pat*
so the technical manager is a fool, incompetent leader. you must thank your lucky star that you don't have to work with him.
get plenty rest.
Anonymous_X, at
11:50 AM
tks a_x...i know u r trying to comfort me...but guess what..they put me thru to the 3rd round..weird rite?*haiz*
anyway i'm just gonna keep an open mind..i'm real skeptical abt working with him....
tks..I'm trying..=)
KaiRiNu, at
8:48 PM
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