Love Pains
Heard a terrible news last night. A very close girlfriend of mine broke up with her boyfriend of 7 years….She’s been assigned to Japan for work for a year. It’s been only a couple of months and this is the result. It’s sad because they’ve been almost a model couple for most of us. True that they may have their own issues and stuffs…but which couple doesn’t? But for the fact that distance was the ultimate push just makes me wonder if things could have been better?
To her it seems like a great opportunity to work overseas for awhile and experience a different lifestyle. To him, he wasn’t too keen with the idea but relented at her eagerness. In the end, they succumb to- DISTANCE.
I know exactly how she feels because I’ve been through the same before. I lost a great friend, a great companion and a great soul mate as a result of distance. But unlike her, I didn’t have that too many choices then. I had to. It was a regrettable decision then but there weren’t many choices to begin with. Giving up love seemed the best option then, as least for me.
Because of what I went through, I was concerned that she understand the result of her decision and not regret in future. She wasn’t too ready to talk yet I suppose, so I didn’t want to pursue much further. All she divulged was- we have more issues going on than just distance.
Distance was probably not the cause. But in my opinion, Absence is most likely the culprit, and if not, a trigger as a result of distance.
Which is why, as much as I wanted to, I didn’t leave SG to pursue a career in Aussie. I didn’t want to lose OML the same way again. But I guess men being men, he didn’t see it as a form of sacrifice, he saw it rather, as a fact of life, that a couple should never be separated…
Going back, both of them could roughly tell what was on the menu when she boarded the plane. But they took their chances and made a decision, praying that perhaps things would go a different way.
But when love gets too painful to bear, is giving up the best medication?
5 comment(s):
i think distance is a stumbling block..
but i think the ultimate culprit is having different goals and directions. as long as there is a common end-goal which is tangible, realistic and could be accomplished in the foreseesable future, it might just work.
cherritan, at
8:09 AM
i guess a lot depends on whether the love is worth the ultimate price. she might gain more from her overseas stint than staying put.
sometimes, giving up love is necessary for progress and mobility.
some relationships hold me back and i needed to give it up to further my interests. maybe the men weren't 'the one' or it wasn't quite love. maybe it's selfish. but looking back now, i'm glad i did what i had to do. it works out.
if my career is flourishing and i need to travel, my man better have a damn good reason to keep me here. otherwise, he can follow me. which i'm sure he doesn't mind!
imp, at
3:34 PM
oh crap. not who i think it is rite?
Ic3nCok3, at
5:54 PM
just me:yes dear..I understand where u're coming from..i just didn't want her to
imp:yes I totally agree...but sometimes u can't help but feeling...what if? :)
ic3ncok3:yup...sad huh?
KaiRiNu, at
9:21 PM
piangz. world is going mad.
Ic3nCok3, at
11:16 AM
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