Thank you to all that have shown their concerns to me.Unfortunately I'm still unable to move my right face.
Been feeling total crap these days...feel absolutely like a freak.
Tried out accupunture last Sat. It was scary having needles arnd my faces and my hands.
Not only had I have needles sticking out of my face, they had electric current go through them too. It was a really really weird feeling....
After which the physician even tried to put some herbs on the needles and sorta burn them through into my skin. I don't know how exactly it was done because for one, I had my eyes closed and two, it was out of my vision. All I could feel is a heat rush into the back of my face and smell of burning matchsticks.
It wasn't a good experience at all but I don't think I had a choice. I'm going for my second session today this afternoon. The physician did say I will not see any results so soon. It takes abt 10 sessions or so to recover? I can only hope.
I have spoken to my MD this morning and he has graciously allowed me to work from home till I fully recover. I had only expected working from home for a week. Well, we'll see what's the status of my recovery I suppose....
As much as I tried to look at this positively....I dread waking up every morning to see the same freak face. And still not being able to move much even till today. Feeling depressed about the whole thing. Never understand why this has to happen to me. Mostly I'm concerned if I will suffer any side effects after? Studies have shown that some percentage of the people do even after recovery.
I really can't do much except pray that this whole episode will end soon with a full recovery.
Just so that you're aware,
1. Never sit too close the air conditioner till u can feel the air blowing.
2.Should u have an flu, always be careful to takecare and never let it go untreated. Flu can also cause Bell's Palsy should u aggrevate it causing inflammation.
Whatever it is, you should always takecare of yourself constantly! And I mean CONSTANTLY! Never take your health for granted!
Labels: emo, tupid things, work shite
3 comment(s):
what a terrible experience. and you must be so worried too. praying for you girl. hope this will go away soon. u going for any second opinions? if it's bell's palsy, it should heal in 2 weeks?? please take care.
Anonymous, at
3:16 PM
hey dearie,
i'm so sorry to hear that. i didn't it will take so long to recover. will be praying for you too... take care..
cherritan, at
8:19 AM
imp:tks imp for your prayers...it is not easy for me to look at myself in the mirror every morn.But i guess i can only try.Thinking of goin for 2nd opinion but dunno which specialist shld i try...not sure when will it recover but can only hope for the best i suppose.*hugs*tks..
just me:tks girl..never thot things would be so serious either..*hugs*
KaiRiNu, at
9:44 AM
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