K for Komplexity...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Been trying to blog lately, but somehow my synapses in my brains aren’t working too well with the coordination and stuffs, the delivery of messages seemed to be a tad slower den usual…hahaha..perhaps I’m growing senile.

I’ve had couple of events and occurrences that I actually wanted to blog, but somehow they din come out right so I decided to scrap it anywayz. Somehow I just don’t feel too comfortable bloggin anymore…it’s like whatever that u say now can bring u down…well..sorta…so u beta be careful with your writings nowadays…

Life is pretty mundane, nothing too exciting happening lately. With every start of the week, I’d start looking forward to the end of the week for abit of sanctity recharge. So..it basically goes round n round like a merry-go-round…..A viscious cycle of the working life!

The pace of work seems to be slowing down, but then again it’s pretty hard to gauge because shit can happen anytime and anywhere in my line….
Well, for one, it did last week! Our techie implemented some new patch on the day the server supposed to be delivered to our customer…and *poof* the system crashed!!!!! And the backup was only till the day before….and since the system could only be up like 6pm on that Friday, we all had to log in from home to recover everything that we did the day before so that the correctly configured system can be delivered the next day! So…there goes our Friday and the -night is still young- idea!
That was a crappy week because the stress of being in a new place, meeting new people and ever unstable crashed system. And not to mention the new release of a lot of new technical objects that really did drove me crazy at a point in time. Luckily I was blessed enough to be able to conquer it all and…..admitingly, it did kinda made me feel more accomplished with myself! *beams*

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