First Trial!
I'm virtually brain dead at the moment after a looooooong tiring day so I'm keeping this short. =)I had my first try at performing a support for SAP system today. It wasn't too difficult a task but it was my first trial and I could do it, of course with the kind help of my fellow newbie collegue. He was nice to slowly teach me how and where to start from...
But I still felt happy that I could follow and eventually completed my first support task. *cheers n appluase* please...=)
Although tired, I feel kinda contented today. Training was tough having to absorb 3 different modules within a span of 3 weeks, but I guess no pain no gain huh? =P
Now I'm officially supporting the CS and SD module in SAP. More tough days to come I guess...wish me luck now!!! =)
2 comment(s):
u go squirt~
and not nice to reveal coy names online time im on MSN den tell u again.....
and in your own words, "Whoosh"......lolz.....
Ic3nCok3, at
4:49 PM
tks peeps...I'll be trying my best..altho I'm feeling the "pains" of it pretty =)
KaiRiNu, at
5:25 PM
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