Office Environment
Now what is it with office buildings and the corporate world?My office seems to be getting colder and colder each day...Esp when lately the sun hasn't been very active and is always hiding behind the clouds. For the one week and four days that I've been here, there isn't a day where I dun need my jacket and not need some hot water every now and then...and not to mention thr in and out of the ladies..shesshh..Not only is the air-conditioning cold here, the environment here is pretty much the same as well. People don't walk around to talk or make jokes anymore.Definately not like my previous company where we go for a short tea break once in awhile as well. The irony here is that even with the open office concept here..the pple still don't communicate much..Well..perhaps they do..through emails and office messengers..but there's no human contact anymore.
Sighz..I do find it hard sometimes to live through the day without utterly a word, constantly fearing that my voice might break the windows or something in the office...Haaa....It is that quiet around here.
It's really not like me to not say a word for so long, but for my future career...I guess it's a sacrfice I must make right now and compromise to my surroundings. The good part of this...You can come in and out under the radar,without much notice?
Well, we'll see how things go in awhile...Perhaps I should try and introduce some changes around here?Hahahahaha...=p
I'll put that in my "never-resoluted" resolution list for the new year I suppose...Kekekeke =P
2 comment(s):
maybe can bring a hot water bottle.....u know those rubber ones......yea....can but kopi inside also....
Ic3nCok3, at
10:01 PM
Eeeks...those rubber thingy...I dun wanna drink kopi from there lor...I dun mind hugging it with warm water..but drink from it?No tks..perhaps u would like to try and let me know?Haaa....=P
KaiRiNu, at
12:33 PM
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