So many things have happened for the past 2 weeks….My cousin’s death is still lingering at the back of my mind…seeing my fray auntie of 80 years going through the demise of her youngest son is heart wrenching….
Almost immediately after the funeral I fell ill…again…the lack of sleep n the uber cold aircon at the Singapore casket totally didn’t help….
The flu bug was so extremely persistent that I’m still not fully recovered until today. Whenever I step into office, my nose gets blocked. I starting to suspect if I’m actually allergic to my office rather than being sick…..
Work hasn’t been perfect as well. I’m having so much second thoughts abt joining this firm that I feel so torn between a job switch or to stay put. This job doesn’t give me any job satisfaction at all and I just feeling I’m wasting my time with them…yet I don’t want to seem like a job hopper. I’m so torned!
At home….. I’ve recently found new revelations that everyone around me takes me so much for granted to such a huge degree…..
I just feel so alone right now. Like everyone expects me to do this to do that. At home, I’m the big sister. I’m suppose to takecare of my brother, make sure he’s on the right track blar blar…when my dad is not around, I’m suppose to takecare of my mum as well. Should anything be wrong….i’m at fault! No matter what happens!
With OML, I’m expected to think of his priorities above mine….y? cos he wears the pants?
And through everything else….when I do sacrifice my priorities…nobody appreciates…they think it’s something I ought to do. Simply cos I’m the eldest? Cos I’m the gf…and cos I’m the best friend? It’s so hard to keep up with everyone’s expectations of me….
Perhaps I dun need a break…I simply need some ME time…..
1 comment(s):
OOoo.. I know how you feel. I think we are both similar, in that we take it upon ourselves to carry the 'burden' of taking care of the family. And as a result, we were taken granted cos we just can't say no. They are family and we feel that they are our responsibilities.. :(
I think sometimes, we just have to let go of that responsibility and not feel guilty about it!
Anonymous, at
7:24 AM
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