I’m feeling really lost right now.Blocked nose, freezing aircon.
Here I am, feeling real crappy abt everything around me.
My job. My family. My love life.
Sometimes I just want to escape. Escape to a place where I can clear my head and just be me for awhile. No expectations, no obligations.....
Could be the stress or could be PMS working....but.....
I just want to run away and escape for now…
4 comment(s):
hey dearie, dun worry. you'll be escaping to brisbane in a couple of weeks' time!!! :)
just hang on for a little while more...
Anonymous, at
7:33 AM
take care you. you need the break.
imp, at
12:14 AM
Hey, take care.... and be well!
Anonymous, at
4:01 PM
cherri:tks dear...u have no idea how much i'm looking forward to that...
imp:tks for dropping by...I'm bent on taking on this time round.
juphelia:tks...i will.hugs!
KaiRiNu, at
8:19 AM
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