It’s been a terrible week for me so far…I was down with flu for the most of the week before. And when I thought I had finally recovered and was ready to go shop for my new year stuffs…I was hit with some stupid ear infection as a “trilogy” to my flu and had caused me some embarrassment in the office.Was Friday night late afternoon was I suddenly felt dizzy and my world was spinning. I had thought it was my blood pressure or something so I tried to rest my head. But the spinning did not get better. It got worse. I’ve never felt in such agony all my life as I tried to get up from my seat but I couldn’t, in the end…..I “merlioned” in the office and caused a huge amount of embarrassment for myself. A colleague (Indian guy) who sat beside me was kinda shocked…I didn’t see his face but I could feel his shock. Seriously, how often do u see someone puke in the office?
Anyway, no one really bothered to help me. Most people already left and those who were around were either strangers or…let’s just say…they mind their own business. My colleague next to me offered to bring me some tissue papers and a cup of water…well…I asked him to help cos I was having my face to the bin and couldn’t stand up…while trying to keep my world still…I had to clean up my puke. I hadn’t had much in the afternoon, some sandwiches, so it wasn’t that bad…
I had to sms OML to come pick me…I couldn’t stand and I wondered how I was to make it to the door, nonetheless the toilet and no to imagine out to take a train!
As I rest my head on my desk…I heard a familiar voice calling out my name….No…it wasn’t OML….it was my MD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I flustered and didn’t know how to react. Apparently my MD had just returned from a meeting and met OML at the door. And so…he offered to come get me for him. Imagine this, a puked face, blur look and totally incoherent response from me….I couldn’t think straight, couldn’t stand straight and absolutely cannot walk straight. I didn’t even know what to respond when he asked me “What happened to me and if I need help blar blar….” All I could do then was mumble…and said it was okay. He saw how I looked and decided to grab my things for me. Not only that, when he saw I was totally walking sideways, he offered his arm for me….OMG!I swear I would have dug a hole and hid in it if I hadn’t been totally spaced out..
Honestly I was kinda glad he helped me, I seriously couldn’t even stand properly not to even mention walking and carrying my laptop. But the moment I stepped out…it was a 100m dash to the toilet again. The nausea was really bad…
My MD was really helpful, he tried to locate the nearest doctor for me, asked me if I was alright and stood by with OML and waited for me outside the toilet…sigh…he was so nice I was so totally embarrassed by the whole incident. I felt sorta like a fool…like this silly damsel in distress!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I spoilt everyone’s Friday night that day…the doctor said I had some slight ear infection caused by my recent flu and had resulted in the water level in my ear all haywired. The “merlion” stint was the result of the dizziness.
It was all so terrible, I had to miss a good friend’s wedding the next day because of the whole episode….how drama!
You know, I somewhat think I’m cursed to undergo some drama this time of the year…last year just before CNY, I went through this. This year…it’s this shite! Unbelievable! How’s that to welcome the new year! Sheesh….
Do I think I need a break? Desperately!
4 comment(s):
oh, poor thing!
well, on the bright side, he'll be impressed that you're still working though you are feeling so sick! :p
Anonymous, at
7:51 AM
haha..tks...i still dunno what he thinks...but..let's hope for the best!=p
Anonymous, at
10:00 AM
hope u're all better now!
Anonymous, at
7:07 PM
tks imp...I am much better..gearing myself for the cny! =D
Anonymous, at
2:54 PM
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