Social Class
Lately I’ve been blogging quite frequently, not sure if that’s a good sign but there’s been more things to blog about recently other than work.Sidetrack…I’ve recently been confirmed in my new firm…nothing to rejoice because there’s really nothing much to celebrate about. It’s only just a piece of paper really, no increments and no “Welcome to the family” speech by my boss. I still haven’t met her since day one…I’m probably too unimportant for her…
So back to what I had wanted to say…. I’ve been getting close to this Korean colleague of mine. Let’s just call her Miss Lifestyle, that’s because her backgrounds’ pretty much the high flyer sort of…branded goods, fine dining and insists on staying in the city etc….
Miss Lifestyle had wanted to go shopping last night, she being alone and her not having many local friends, I obliged to keep her company. She also invited her friend, a Hongkie, a fellow schoolmate from UK, for dinner.
Miss Lifestyle wanted to get a present for a friend, but she ended up looking at a lot of her own personal stuffs most of the time. She brought me to a few shoe stores that she frequents and boy oh boy…a pair of shoes after 50% still equates to about 10 pairs of charles and keith’s shoes! I felt a lil awkward and out of place. I mean, seriously, I’ve never really walked into any of the branded boutiques stores in Takashimaya all my life. Yesterday night was truly my first. The sales persons there provided such good services that I truly understand now the difference between the rich and the poor. IMHO, when u shop at such places where the cheapest item can easily knock u off a hundred bucks, chances are you’ve gotta have some money in your bank to afford these. And by judging that, the sales people will definitely put their best to serve u, hoping u might give them a tip or 2 and maybe come back as regular customers. You dun wanna offend a rich cash cow do u? lol…
Anyway, when her friend arrived, it was already 9 and we’ve just started dinner…I was absolutely famished. Apparently her friend had gotten a bad day at work and decided to go retail therapy and got herself 2 pairs of chanel earrings! Another Miss Lifestyle! Sometimes I do wonder if it’s me…..else y is everyone so head over heels over branded stuffs? Ohhh that chanel bag…ohhh…that LV wallet…ohhh that Fendi earrings…
I can’t quite understand why u would buy a 300 over LV wallet to have it be all soiled and oily with the handling of money with every lunch that u go. Is it for the brand? The quality? Or the self-consciousness? Same goes for a pair of shoes, would u rather buy one where u can wear literally for the rest of your life cos it’s simply too expensive to throw away, or u prefer to buy the cheaper ones where u can dispose easily when it’s spoilt and no longer in fashion? I’d prefer the latter….
I’m starting to doubt my feminism….either that, I totally belong to a different social class.*shrugs*
5 comment(s):
i always think it's prudent to spend within one's salary, i.e, what one can afford. designer goods do have superior quality somewhat. but i guess it boils down to individual preference.
Anonymous, at
7:40 PM
Congratulations for your confirmation! Put it that way, it's nevertheless a milestone! *woot woot*
Anonymous, at
8:18 AM
oops, *on your confirmation..
my england is gone.
Anonymous, at
8:19 AM
Imp:dun get me wrong, I'm not against buying branded u said it's abt individual preferences n my priority is to save up for other stuffs. Having some branded stuffs is gd(assuming i can afford) but i think the colleagues here i know..spend everything on branded goods, it's their lifestyle i suppose.:)
hui:tks...i do hope u r feeling better already.*huggies*
Anonymous, at
10:08 AM
People should read this.
Anonymous, at
9:34 AM
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