It's really a tragic incident!I send my condolences to those affected, their families and friends.*prayers*
It's really sad to see we(all human beings)cannot live in peace. Why do we need to resort to killing one another just so to deliver a message?
Doesn't information technology bridge a whole new world for us? Things like emails, forums, media etc etc? I'm sorry if I sound as if I'm trying to be farnie or something. But honestly, think about it! Why do we need to resort to killing innocent lives? They did nothing to harm you. There were going with their everyday lives, making their way to work on another usual day, and "BOOM", they might not even know what hit them.
Sacrificing innocent lives isn't really the best way to deliver a message....
Let's take a moment of silence to remember these innocent victims and may god bless their souls...

Sometimes I do wonder, perhaps the world needs something big, bigger than God perhaps to stop all the violence, poverty, the hungry and the hatred that we might have for each other across borders, religions, race and social chaste.
Let there be peace.....
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