Ooops....'s almost been a month since my last entry....Been ridiculously busy...Alot has happened since....
Often I wanted to blog about it but I had no idea where to start or how to start. It's as though my life is going downhill all the way...
First, the project was facing alot of road blocks. And our client is getting exceedingly demanding and absolutely not understanding at all. We are so close to going live and yet they expect "impromptu" requirements to be satisfied. One word...sigh...
Second, I flopped an interview with a UK company. Sobzz...
Anyway I don't think I wanna go into details here...Just not in the mood I suppose...
Since a fellow blogger friend has tagged me(sorry A_X...took so long to respond) to reveal 6 weird stuffs about myself. Thou it is a lil late....
Here it is...
Weird 1: Never like banana but I like Marche's crepe with caramel banana...*yum* hee...
Weird 2:I only take my mum's stir fried bean sprouts...somehow the bean sprouts that they serve outside all taste weird?
Weird 3:I think too much!Way too much!
Weird 4:I need something to hug during bedtime
Weird 5:I cut my toenails with one nail clipper and another for my fingernails.haha
Weird 6: I'm basically a walking weirdo?
Actually I think I've listed something like that about myself awhile ago...although I don't remember when exactly and am too lazy to locate the post.
Anyway, sorry to keep A_X waiting so long to read my quirks?Haha...
Well..until I have more time to blog and rant about my life...
Takecare peepz!
1 comment(s):
=) *lol*
Anonymous_X, at
2:24 PM
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