My parents can be quite weird at times....Never could quite understand them.
I'm turning 25 this year and yet I'm constantly treated like a child. When I'm out with frens till after 10.30pm, my parents would ring me...not once but twice and be all sarcastic abt whether I don't have to work the next day. I seriously cannot understand this rationale!
I have been studying in Australia for 3 and a half years. I have proven to be able to take good care of myself....and yet...they have to call up and check on me?*sigh*
I don't see my peers' parents calling them up at all....Is it me? Or is my parents going a tad too much?
I mean, I do have a close bond with my family and all, but once in a while, I want to be treated like an adult. I mean for goodness sake...some pple my age are already married and planning a family. And here I'm treated like a young girl whose curfew ends at 10.30pm?*sigh*
Last weekend was my OML's birthday so I spent most of my weekend out. So this morning, my mum was throwing obvious tantrums at me.
Today, she totally ignored me. She sat reading the newspapers at the hall the whole time while I was having my brekky.Normally, she would have breakfast together with me at the table, and we would just talk about stuffs...But today,when I finished would she return to the kitchen and do her usual stuffs.When I left my room, she went into the room, when I left the kitchen back to my room, she would go to the hall...
I would greet her goodbye whenever I'm leaving and she would come and close the door when I leave. Today, once again, she totally ignored me.
I give up! I seriously can't be bothered as well...*sigh*
Sometimes I do wonder who is the child in this relationship?
Why can't I have a little more freedom at home? I'm coming 25 this year for goodness sake! Why can't I go out whenever I want to and wherever I want? All along I've always been very accomodating with them. From Mondays to Thursdays I'm always home for dinner unless I really need to go places. And yet they complain that I'm always out? It's so difficult to meet up with frens with such a timetable and yet I'm willing to bear.I never entertain last minute outings unless really necessary because I respect the fact that my mum has prepared dinner for me and I would always go home for dinner to show my appreciation.Even on weekends, I always make sure I have lunch at home before I go out. What else do they want? Why can't even I have my own programs? They totally take me for granted...and I hate that! Sometimes I find this a lil too much to bear. Are they really driving me to get married soon just so that I can have a lil more freedom? This makes me miss my aussie life so much! When I find a job there...I'm so going!
6 comment(s):
...but once in a while, I want to be treated like an adult.
You'll be treated as an adult all the time or not at all.
To set the requirement that you'll wish to be treated like an adult just once in a while is not fair. For you and for your parents.
Parents are human too. They're not Gods like how we might perceive them once when we're kids. They can make mistake.
You'll be 25. But in their eyes, you might still be their little girl. Lovable but vulnerable. I don't know. *shrug* I'm not a parent myself. I can only try to empathize with them.
Any parent here wanna share a point? :-\
Anonymous_X, at
9:06 AM
Lol...AX,,u look too deep into my words...
I am an adult yet I'm someone's child...but I juz hope that my parents can look at things at a different angle sometimes. Like I go out for dinner...they shld trust that I know what I'm doing as an adult, their daughter.
Anyway tks...I hope u enjoyed your thai trip?=)
KaiRiNu, at
1:43 PM
Yeah, I guess that's the common problem many young adults face. Not enough trust from the parents. :|
PS. btw, the trip is not yet done. :)
Anonymous_X, at
3:05 PM
Oh...icic..heehee...enjoy n haf fun! =)
KaiRiNu, at
3:41 PM
I can relate to that. I'm almost 30 and yet still cannot go out at night. When I'm not yet back by midnight on a weekend, they'll ask my brother to call me up. Which is why when my guy ask me out for supper, I have to sneak out instead.
I have the most freedom in my entire life when I was in the university hostel. That's why I want to move out so badly, then I can do anytrhing I like anytime I like.
BTW my blog's been made private, so please relink - http://celsworld.blogspot.com
Anonymous, at
1:58 AM
Exact sentiments..but its costly to move out..esp now when my career just started..I do wish to return to Aussie tho...=)
KaiRiNu, at
9:24 AM
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