K for Komplexity...

Thursday, December 08, 2005


My emotions are running everywhere now.

It's like I don't know what I'm feeling now.

I feel vex?frustrated?pissed?upset?or perhaps simply incoherent?

I don't know why I'm feeling this but I really at loss for words.

My colleagues at work actually think that I have nothing to do most of the time.

It's shocking to hear something like that when:

1)I'm always the earliest in the office

2)They surf the net alot,reading news especially

3)Always on the phone talking and making phone calls

4)They leave on time irregardless the fact that they are late

Just because I'm new doesn't mean I'm always free to be someone else's beck and call.

It's disgusting that people like to judge me when they themselves don't look themselves in the mirror!

It sucks to be me now!

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