K for Komplexity...

Thursday, May 05, 2005


A week has since past since the beginning of the project in Phil....I am rather getting used to the "pace" of life now in Phil...Wake Up, Brekky,Work,Lunch,Work,Dinner,Bedtime. Basically it's a no life cycle cos during project times, we work more than 8 hours a day and sleep less than 8 hours every night.Sometimes I just feel so unjustified, I'm not as highly paid as the others but yet I have to do the same amt of work if not more and to complete all the more admin,mundane and tedious work as well...I just can't help but feeling abit exploited sometimes...Sigh...
In a way, I'm glad the weekend is coming...can go back to my own bed again and see my loved ones. However, this break is almost like non existence because we're flying in night on Fri, and leaving Sun early afternoon...Personally I think it's pointless.I think we hardly spend 48hrs in Sing...sigh..
We were all supposed to fly in late afternoon, but beause our company wanted to get the promo tickets and save some $$(as usual), we have no choice but to catch the earlier flight.And because it's promo tickets...we don't even have the choice of not going back...It's rather hectic you noe, flying in and out like that...I mean..in a month, I have virtually flown like 8 times?I'm even starting to get sick of the airplane food...*sobz*
Well...I just feel like complaining for now...disgusted that I'm told to do something outside my supposed role..%#%$^%&^)*(
Till then...keep it cool...

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